Which research data?

Updated at: 13/06/2024

Research data are defined as factual records in the form of figures, texts, images and sounds which are used as the main sources for scientific research and which the scientific community generally recognises as being necessary to validate research results.

The OECD gives a definition of research data in its 2007 report 'Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding'.


Recherche Data Gouv makes final research datasets available. These datasets are in open access or shared on a restricted basis if there are legitimate legal exceptions like professional secrecy, industrial and commercial secrets or in the case of personal data.

The data management clusters support research teams throughout the data lifecycle. However the Research Data Gouv data repository and registry just provides support for the downstream part of the data lifecycle involving the dissemination of final data sets.

The first third of this cycle covers the stages of data collection, creation, storage and processing which are all aimed at producing scientifically validated data. These stages are worked on in laboratories using storage and calculation services. The Recherche Data Gouv data repository does not represent a storage solution for data that are still being processed.

Recherche Data Gouv's involvement begins with the second third of the data lifecycle. This involves the curation, deposit and publication of approved final scientific data and the curation of datasets through checking the metadata and data files deposited in the repository.

Recherche Data Gouv also works on the final third of the data lifecycle. This consists of disseminating citable data by opening, sharing (restricted access) and making data available for reuse.

The Recherche Data Gouv data repository offers a sovereign multi-disciplinary repository for publishing data sets. The platform is designed to meet the needs of communities not yet equipped with a recognized thematic repository.

Data that have already been shared or made available through an established thematic repository, either in France or abroad, can also be reported in the Recherche Data Gouv registry.