About Recherche Data Gouv

Updated at: 13/06/2024

Recherche Data Gouv: An ecosystem for sharing and opening research data


Research is facing a major challenge: preserving, sharing and opening up data to promote open, more transparent and cumulative science for everyone, from research teams to society as a whole.

Handling research data is a critical issue for researchers, as well as an additional and complex workload.

Research data are still an underutilised asset, and worse, such data are all too often lost or simply unusableRecherche Data Gouv was created to help research teams manage their data and make it FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.

Every contributor to the Recherche Data Gouv ecosystem helps extend the reach of French research by sharing and opening access to data.

Recherche Data Gouv aims to become a European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service, offering access to shared and open research data to support reuse.



Recherche Data Gouv at a glance 



Modules to support research teams on all issues linked to data:

Modules to deposit, publish and disseminate data:







Recherche Data Gouv's guiding principles 



All research themes are covered



Moderation and the  objective of Core Trust Seal certification



Pooled software and infrastructure resources



Visibility and recognition

of research production and actors




Enhanced international visibility

of French research data




  • with the other thematic repositories

  • with the local support