Trusted repositories

On this page, Recherche Data Gouv relays the trusted thematic repositories proposed by the Research Data College of the Committee for Open Science.

Sharing data from research activities involves making them available in repositories recognized by scientific, thematic, institutional or general communities.

To facilitate the work of research teams, the Research Data College offers a method for identifying trusted thematic repositories, as well as a first list of repositories resulting from the grid of analysis criteria retained to be discovered here below.

This list is evolving and is intended to be gradually supplemented by the Research Data College. It is also not exhaustive: therefore, not appearing in the list does not imply that the repository concerned is not trusted.

⚠️Don't forget, the latest updated version of the reference list is the one published on the Ouvrir la Science website.

📧 For questions about trusted repositories, contact the Research Data College of the Committee for Open Science.