Platform team
The Recherche Data Gouv platform team is made up of the portal, the repository and the catalog teams, and is led by Richard Moreno.
📧 Recherche Data Gouv platform team contact form
FOCUS on the members of the Recherche Data Gouv platform team (non-exhaustive list in alphabetical order):
Cathy Tang
Co-leader of the repository-registry resource center and member of the portal
I co-lead the repository-registry resource center team. This team supports and trains repository users by writing guides, designing and running virtual classes, providing support and curating the generic space. As a member of the portal team, I suggest improvements and test new portal features.

Cécile Delay-Artous
Datalibrarian, Université Paris Nanterre, Co-leader of the Entrepôt-Catalogue Resource Center
Along with Cathy Tang, I lead the Entrepôt-Catalogue Resource Center team, which designs and implements the repository's virtual classes and guides, and supports and curates the generic space.

Dimitri Szabo
Je copilote l’équipe en charge de la mise à disposition, du maintien en conditions opérationnelles et des évolutions des modules entrepôt et catalogue de la plateforme.
J’interviens également sur le portail Recherche Data Gouv et au sein du Centre de ressources plateforme

Elias Chetouane
Data Engineer and member of the Cellule Data Grenoble Alpes, open science team.
I am a member of the repository-registry resource center and I am involved in writing guides on the Recherche Data Gouv repository and running virtual classes, notably on the Recherche Data Gouv API.

Fanny Dedet
Je copilote l’équipe en charge de la mise à disposition, du maintien en conditions opérationnelles et des évolutions des modules entrepôt et catalogue de la plateforme.

Françoise Tisserand-Bedri
Inist, CNRS, Member of the repository-registry resource center
Within the platform resource center, which supports and trains repository users, i'm involved in writing guides, designing virtual classes, assisting users and curating the generic space.

Isabelle Cao
Ingénieure d’études, Service OPIDoR, Inist, CNRS
I'm involved in the repository-registry resource center, writing guides and designing and running virtual classes.

Jérôme Roucou
Je participe aux tâches nécessaires aux adaptations fonctionnelles et techniques de l'entrepôt et du catalogue. De plus, l'équipe travaillant en agilité et en tant que Scrum master, je veille au respect de l’application des règles et au bon déroulement des actions de mes partenaires.

Ludovic Daniel
Lead Tech, Société Smile
Équipier agile au sein de l'équipe plateforme. En charge, avec le reste de l'équipe, du maintien en conditions opérationnelles ainsi que des évolutions applicatives autour de l'entrepôt de données et du catalogue.

Ingénieure de recherche, Équipe Science Ouverte Données Codes et Logiciels, Université Grenoble Alpes
I am a member of the repository-registry resource center and I am involved in writing the Recherche Data Gouv repository guides and designing and running virtual training courses

Michel Bamouni
Copilote du portail et copilote du lot en charge de l’architecture/infrastructure
I'm co-leading the development of the portal for entry, communication and presentation of Recherche Data Gouv. I'm also co-leading, with Hervé Toureille, the actions linked to securing the system, as well as the definition and implementation of the architectures for the various components.

Nicole Lambert
Communication officer at GRICAD/Université Grenoble Alpes, member of the portal team and editorial committee.
I am a member of the portal team, I participate in the design and development of the functionalities of the Recherche Data Gouv portal.
I am a member of the editorial committee, I participate in the development of editorial content. I am also responsible for editorializing the datasets proposed by warehouse administrators to promote them on the portal.

Ingénieure DevOps, Inotekk
Contributing to Work Package 4 of the Research Data Gov project, I am dedicated to ensuring data security by developing a technical solution for real-time replication.

Steven Ferey
Ingénieur étude et développement, Société Smile
Équipier agile au sein de l'équipe Entrepôt-Catalogue. En charge, avec le reste de l'équipe, du maintien en conditions opérationnelles ainsi que des évolutions applicatives autour de l'entrepôt de données et du catalogue.

Thomas Jouneau
Co-coordinator for the portal and the catalog ; and member of the support team
I co-lead two teams, one dedicated to the development of the Recherche Data Gouv portal, and the other to the future catalog associated with the repository. I'm also involved in the resource center which provides support for the repository-catalog users, and in the virtual trainings.

Virgile Jarrige
I bring an academic perspective to technical aspects within WP4, particularly focusing on infrastructure. Additionally, I also serve as a trainer within WP5, where I take part of the virtual class on the usage of APIs. This class aims to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to fully leverage APIs in their projects.