Find below the news of the Research Data Gouv ecosystem.
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Deposit data before the publication of a scientific article
It is possible to deposit (without publishing) data related to a scientific publication being proofread, and to obtain a private link for access to the...
Published on Tuesday 28 March 2023
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What trajectory for Recherche Data Gouv?
Since the opening of the portal in July 2022, the ecosystem for sharing and opening research data has continued to grow and expand...
Published on Tuesday 21 March 2023
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Recherche Data Gouv lance son troisième appel à manifestation d’intérêt « Ateliers de la donnée », présentez vos projets !
À la demande des porteurs d’initiatives, nous avons souhaité donner un temps de construction un peu plus long et leur offrir l’opportunité d’un échange...
Published on Wednesday 15 March 2023
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📣 Recherche Data Gouv Repository will be unavailable next monday the 02/27/2023 starting from 9am due to a major upgrade. The relative release...
Published on Tuesday 21 February 2023
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How is the data secured? - Answer by Stéphane Paris
Interview with Stéphane PARIS, Head of Infrastructure Services for Data Processing and Management, DSI-Infrastructures What is your role in the Recherche...
Published on Tuesday 31 January 2023
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46 - 50 sur 66 publications