Does your establishment have its own dedicated institutional space on Recherche Data Gouv?

Updated at: 02/07/2024

In June 2024, 46* establishments have an institutional space in the Research Data Gouv repositories, to which will soon be added 9 other establishments whose opening of a dedicated institutional space is imminent following the recent acceptance of their request.

In total, more than 4,060 datasets, made up of more than a million files, structured into 866 sub-collections (structure, team, project or theme), are hosted as of this date in the Recherche Data Gouv repository.

What is the process associated with the opening of an institutional space?

  1. The applicant for an establishment completes and sends the form for the creation of their space to the Research Data Gouv support team.
  2. The Research Data Gouv steering committee examines the request.
  3. A dedicated server space is created for the establishment space according to the clauses defined in the agreement.
  4. The referents of the new space join the network of space administrators and are trained in Research Data Gouv curation practices.
  5. The institutional space is promoted on the Research Data Gouv portal at the request of the referents.

What are the advantages of having an institutional space dedicated to your establishment?

  • Allow research data to be referenced;
  • Be able to promote all research production and present it easily during evaluations;
  • Support the dynamic of scientific openness and focus on ethical and reproducible research.

Is it mandatory to have an institutional space to deposit data on Recherche Data Gouv?

No: Anyone producing research data for an establishment of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research can use the data platform, even if their establishment is not yet a partner.All he has to do is turn to the Generic Space.

*including 35 establishments which have fully completed configuring their institutional space and/or which have taken the opportunity to display their space on the portal.