[INTERVIEW] DATA TERRA, e-Research Infrastructure for Earth System Reference

Updated at: 19/09/2024

The Couperin Data GTSO met with several members of DATA TERRA, one of the thematic reference centres of Recherche Data Gouv. The PNDB, also a reference centre, is now integrated into this infrastructure alongside the four other DATA TERRA thematic centres: Aéris, Odatis, Theia and FormaTerre.

Feedback from the other thematic reference centres will follow this publication, as part of this partnership between Recherche Data Gouv and the GTSO Données.

IR DATA TERRA supports the sharing and opening up of Earth system observation data, in particular through data centres and a thematic open data repository (...). Its inclusion in the Recherche Data Gouv ecosystem aims to recognise and give visibility to its structuring activity of managing, disseminating and providing access to data from research, observation and experimentation infrastructures in the field of Earth System science’.

✏️ Read the interview on the GTSO Data website: https://gtso.couperin.org/gtdonnees/data-terra/

ℹ️ Find out more about DATA TERRA: https://www.data-terra.org/