ELIPSS, a panel for the human and social sciences research
A probabilistic panel
ELIPSS is based on a sample of approximately 2,600 people recruited by a random sampling method who answer each month via the Internet to questionnaires designed by research teams in the human and social sciences. These surveys are selected through a permanent call for proposals.
A rich and unique material
Around one hundred surveys have been carried out since 2012, with a response rate of over 80%.
To date, the ELIPSS collection, published in the CDSP database on the data.sciencespo.fr repository, covers a wide range of themes - cultural practices, health at work, political opinions, environmental issues, etc. - and allows for matching between the different types of surveys.
The data are documented and disseminated by CDSP engineers in accordance with FAIR principles and are widely reused in research and teaching projects.
All the data produced is freely accessible to the scientific community.
Studying long-term social events
The longitudinal aspect of the ELIPSS panel can be found in particular in repeated survey projects such as Dynamiques de Mobilisation (Dynamob) on political opinions during electoral periods and ordinary periods, or Coping with Covid-19 (CoCo) on social inequalities during the health crisis.
In more detail, the Coping with Covid-19 (Coco) project, carried out thanks to ANR funding (FlashCovid-19 call, April 2020), set itself the task of observing changes in behaviours and opinions in the face of the crisis, and evaluating the social effects of the pandemic. The CoCo research team was able to use the device to carry out 10 waves of surveys, from April 2020 for the first to November 2022 for the tenth, to cover the periods of confinement in France and the periods that followed. The project was also able to draw on past surveys to measure changes in indicators collected before the health crisis.