Long-term and large scale Quercus petraea population survey conducted in provenance tests installed in France

Updated at: 05/07/2022
Data for seed supply research, but also for monitoring and predicting population responses to environmental changes.

Forest planting is one of the levers to mitigate climate change. The origin of seeds is crucial to optimize the success of tree planting and their adaptation to future climates. INRAE and the ONF have conducted a vast study for more than 30 years from a collection of a hundred populations of sessile oaks from all over Europe and spread over four experimental sites in France to identify the best seed sources for this species.

The data set collected includes individual tree assessments for traits of functional, ecological and economic importance. These data represent an invaluable resource in forest genetics and ecology. They are useful for research on seed supply, but also for monitoring and predicting population responses to environmental change. They also have a heritage value. They have been described in a data paper (Ducousso et al. 2022) and are available in the INRAE space of the Research Data Gouv. In addition to the scientific interest of publishing these data in a context of global warming, the fact of having a research paper that describes the results and conclusions of this experiment (Girard et al 2022), and a data paper that describes the data sets and the data themselves, is a good practice that testifies to the quality and robustness of the results.

Both papers were published in Annals of Forest Science, a journal published by Springer-BMC and owned by INRAE, and show that tree populations from regions with a long tradition of forestry have the best combination of ecological and silvicultural traits (survival, growth, form, adaptation to climatic variations).



Article scientifique
Girard, Q., Ducousso, A., de Gramont, C.B. et al. Provenance variation and seed sourcing for sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) in France. Annals of Forest Science 79, 27 (2022). https://annforsci.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13595-022-01140-0

Data paper
Ducousso, A., Ehrenmann, F., Girard, Q. et al. Long-term and large-scale Quercus petraea population survey conducted in provenance tests installed in France. [Data paper]. Data INRAE repository. Annals of Forest Science 79, 26 (2022). https://annforsci.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13595-022-01141-z

Jeu de données
Ducousso, Alexis; Ehrenmann, François; Girard, Quentin; Lamy, Jean-Baptiste; Louvet, Jean-Marc; Reynet, Patrick; Musch, Brigitte; Kremer, Antoine, 2022, "Long-term and large-scale Quercus petraea population survey conducted in provenance tests installed in France", https://doi.org/10.15454/838U9L


Ducousso, Alexis; Ehrenmann, François; Girard, Quentin; Lamy, Jean-Baptiste; Louvet, Jean-Marc; Reynet, Patrick; Musch, Brigitte; Kremer, Antoine, 2022, "Long-term and large-scale Quercus petraea population survey conducted in provenance tests installed in France", https://doi.org/10.15454/838U9L