Validation of high-lift aerodynamic simulations using experimental data

The experimental data collected during the test campaigns in ONERA F1 wind tunnel has been widely showcased at the 5th High-Lift Prediction Workshop ( ), which took place in August 2024 in Las Vegas, USA.
This workshop aims to assess the ability of numerical simulations to predict the performance of aircrafts in high-lift configuration. During this event, various simulations are compared with each other and against experimental data to validate their results and understand their limitations. The fifth edition generated a very significant simulation effort, as it brought together 103 participants from 41 organizations spread across 11 countries, deploying 38 computational software running on the world's most powerful supercomputers.
It goes without saying that the experimental data used to validate such simulations was highly anticipated. However, for several reasons, ONERA was the only organization able to deliver exploitable experimental results for this workshop, presented in the AIAA 2024-3512 paper ( Moreover, these measurements were carried out on two different setups and a year apart, with very good agreement between the two campaigns, supported by an uncertainty analysis. This quality was highly appreciated and recognized. The database published on this occasion is hosted on the “Recherche Data Gouv” repository.