Digital Object Identifier
An identifier which provides permanent access to digital resources such as publications, data, journals, or reports thanks to a unique and stable link.
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FAIR (principles)
The idea of FAIR data refers to the ways of constructing, storing, presenting or publishing data so as to make them findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
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File preview
A feature enabling users to view a file directly in the interface without having to download it.
Functional administrator of the Recherche Data Gouv platform
Any person authorised to administer the Recherche Data Gouv platform by Entrepôt-Catalogue Recherche Data Gouv (Recherche Data Gouv Repository-Registry). S/he creates institutional spaces, guarantees compliance with international standards and principles for best data management practices on the Recherche Data Gouv platform, allocates rights to the administrators of institutional spaces and leads the networks of institutional space administrators and curators.
Generic space
A space in the Recherche Data Gouv repository where researchers who do not have a dedicated institutional space can deposit their datasets.
National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Please see:
Institutional space
A space created on the Recherche Data Gouv platform in response to a request by a French research institution. The administration and curation of this space will be delegated to the requesting institution.
LDAP (protocol)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
A protocol for querying directory information services. -
The MD5 or Message Digest 5 algorithm is a hash function that provides a digital fingerprint of a file so that the integrity of a downloaded file can be checked.
A set of structured information that describes, explains and locates an information resource to make it easier to be found, used and managed.
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