(Open Archive Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting)
A protocol for harvesting or automatically collecting metadata from the sites of data providers.
ORCID (identifier)
Open Researcher and Contributor ID
An alphanumeric identifier assigned to a researcher. Please see: -
Private URL
A temporary URL providing rights-free access to an unpublished dataset.
Recherche Data Gouv (repository)
A service integrated into the Recherche Data Gouv ecosystem which enables members of the French scientific community to deposit and publish their research data. Please see:
The use of published data by any natural or legal person for purposes other than those for which they were produced or received.
Reuse licence
Conditions for the reuse of data.
Trustworthy data repository
A data repository that responds to the trustworthiness criteria defined in the Criteria for the Selection of Trustworthy Repositories guide which aims to promote reliable and sustainable data repositories.
The Research Data College of the Committee for Open Science proposes a method for identifying trusted thematic repositories, as well as a list of trusted repositories.
UNF: a small string of alphanumeric characters of fixed length which summarises a data set's content. Any changes to the data results in a new universal digital signature no matter how minor the change. The UNF ensures that the file is not corrupted.
Visitors' log
A form for collecting information about a user who is viewing, exploring or downloading a file from a dataset
21 - 29 sur 29 publications