Institutional repositories

Each higher education or research institution can request the creation of an institutional space in order to deposit and publish its research data. Below are the repositories already open:

  • Université Grenoble Alpes



    Anchored in its territory, multidisciplinary and open to the international, Université Grenoble Alpes brings together the main public higher education institutions of Grenoble and Valence. In association with the national research organizations and the international research facilities present on its territory, it builds its innovation policy on a global scale. As a driving force for progress and a laboratory for initiatives, it collaborates with its many partners to accompany the evolution of society.



    Discover the data management cluster of the Université Grenoble Alpes :

    CDGA, Cellule Data Grenoble Alpes




  • Université Le Havre Normandie



    Université Le Havre Normandie (ULHN) was established in 1984 and it now counts over 8200 students. The ULHN is composed of three Training and Research Units –Teaching and Research Unit of Sciences and Technology, Faculty of International Affairs, Teaching and Research Unit of Arts and Humanities – of a University Institute of Technology, an Engineering School, a Higher Institute of Logistic and different departments. The scientific potential of the University is based on eleven research laboratories, two of which are associated to CNRS and one to INERIS. Research has been articulated around 4 sectors: Human and social studies; chemistry – biology; Mathematics – information technology; Engineering Science. Some works are also carried out around interdisciplinary areas.

  • Université Clermont Auvergne

    Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA)

    Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA)

    The Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) has joined forces with other institutions linked to higher education and research in the region to unite around a common ambition: the creation of a training and research university with a national and international dimension, strongly connected to its territorial environment and its region. The Université Clermont Auvergne has 37 research units (two-thirds of which are mixed units, co-supervised with research organizations: CNRS, INRAE (merger of INRA and IRSTEA), INSERM), federative research structures (including a Maison des Sciences de l'Homme) and various platforms. 

  • Université Côte d’Azur

    Université Côte d’Azur

    Université Côte d’Azur

    A multidisciplinary, research-intensive university with a world-class reputation, Université Côte d'Azur was awarded the prestigious "Initiatives d’Excellence " label in 2016, illustrating the quality of its research and ensuring its visibility and attractiveness.

    The university's research strategy aims to federate synergies between research teams in order to explore new interdisciplinary areas while preserving the excellence of its disciplinary foundations. It is part of a coherent and ambitious site policy developed jointly with other players in research, higher education and the socio-economic world. This strategy responds to the competitive challenges of a large university with international ambitions, while being implemented in a collective and collegial spirit, with respect for ethics and scientific integrity.

    It must also respond to the need to offer the entire scientific community access to open science and to disseminate scientific culture to the public and to students.

    The research conducted at Université Côte d'Azur aims to meet the major challenges facing science and society. It covers a broad continuum of objectives, approaches and methodologies, from fundamental upstream science to finalized research. Catalyzed by the dynamics brought by the Idex UCAJEDI and the 3IA, the university wants to be an actor in the development of a rich and dynamic regional ecosystem. Drawing on the expertise of all its staff, Université Côte d'Azur is strengthening the interfaces between research, training and innovation by relying on the coordinated strategies of its research units, its components - in particular the University Research Schools (EUR) - and the other entities set up as part of the UCAJEDI IDEX: academies of excellence, innovation and partnership institutes, structuring programs, and the Modeling, Simulation and Interaction Center (MSI).

  • Université de Lille

    Université de Lille

    Université de Lille

    With its location in a cross-border region, the University of Lille places Europe and the international dimension at the heart of its policy and its actions. Its ambition is to be the leading French university in north-western Europe.

    Through a range of integrational and innovative programmes and projects, all of the University’s structures are becoming increasingly international. They combine training, research and high-quality support with a spirit of inclusion and openness to the rest of the world. The international dimension is also a key part of the University’s strategy of inclusive excellence. 

  • Université de Lorraine

    Université de Lorraine

    Université de Lorraine

    With an outreach across 2 metropolises, 10 towns & cities and urban areas within its region, Université de Lorraine invests wholeheartedly in knowledge production and sharing. It is committed to raising the level of citizens' educational attainment through intensive research involving both the basic and applied strands.




    Discover the data management cluster of the Université de Lorraine :

    ADOC - Accompagner aux DOnnées les Chercheurs et chercheuses en Lorraine


  • Université de Montpellier

    Université de Montpellier

    Université de Montpellier

    L'université de Montpellier, labellisée I-Site (France 2030), université de recherche intensive pluridisciplinaire, compte plus de 70 structures de recherche dans les domaines scientifiques suivants :

    Agriculture, Environnement, Biodiversité,
    Mathématiques, Informatique, Physique, Systèmes,
    Sciences Sociales.

  • Université Gustave Eiffel

    Université Gustave Eiffel

    Université Gustave Eiffel

    L'Université Gustave Eiffel est née en 2020 de la fusion d'une université (UPEM), d'un organisme de recherche (IFSTTAR) et de l'association de trois écoles d'ingénieurs (ESIEE Paris, ENSG, EIVP) et d'une école d'architecture (École d'architecture de la ville & des territoires Paris-Est).
    En lien avec la thématique de la ville de demain, les axes de recherche de l'Université sont nombreux : génie civil, systèmes et infrastructures de transports, résilience urbaine, géomatique, management de l’innovation scientifique et technique, architecture, histoire…
    Elle regroupe vingt-trois composantes de recherche réparties sur sept campus sur le territoire national.

  • Université Paris Nanterre

    Université Paris Nanterre

    Université Paris Nanterre

    From its very creation in the 1960s, University Paris Nanterre has dedicated itself to being a new type of institution of higher education. An institution of learning and research whose defining characteristics are its vibrant campus life, educational innovation and scientific research with a social dimension. University Paris Nanterre is located to the west of the greater Paris area, just next to the largest business district in Europe and in a dynamic area full of major urban developments. The Nanterre campus reflects the University’s forward-looking policy with respect to sports and cultural activities, environmental commitment and solidarity actions. In addition to its main campus in Nanterre, the University also has satellite sites in nearby Saint-Cloud and La Défense.

    Today University Paris Nanterre has 34,000 students in undergraduate, postgraduate and professional continuing education with more than 20% of the student body from a foreign country. There are over 1,000 research professors and researchers in all disciplines of social and human sciences (law, economics, management, arts, humanities and languages, philosophy, linguistics, information and communication sciences, psychology and education, history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, geography) as well as in sports sciences and physical education, mathematics, computer science and engineering.

    University Paris Nanterre is a member of an Association of Higher Education and Research Institutions known as Université Paris Lumières. The University of Paris 8 and the CNRS research institute also belong to this prestigious grouping of institutions of higher learning. The INS-HEA (special educational needs and disability studies) and ENS Louis Lumière (National Film, Photography & Sound Engineering School) as well as numerous cultural institutions of both French and international renown (Louvre Museum, National Library of France, Quai Branly Museum, Centre Georges Pompidou, National Archives, INA – National Audiovisual Institute, History and Immigration Museum, etc. ) are also part of this exceptional educational initiative. This association is one of the leading educational and research bodies in France in the field of social and human sciences.

  • Université Paris-Saclay

    Université Paris-Saclay

    Université Paris-Saclay

    Université Paris-Saclay was born from the shared ambition of French universities, grandes écoles and national research organisations. As a leading university in Europe and the world, it covers the fields of science and engineering, life sciences and health, and humanities and social sciences. The university’s science policy closely intertwines research and innovation, incorporating both basic and applied science to tackle major societal challenges.

    Université Paris-Saclay offers a varied range of undergraduate to doctorate level degrees, including programmes with its grandes écoles, all of which are focused on achieving student success and employability. The university prepares students for an ever-changing world where the ability to think critically, remain agile and renew one’s skills are crucial. Université Paris-Saclay also offers a comprehensive range of lifelong learning courses.

    Located to the south of Paris, the university extends across a vast and rich local area. Its location strengthens both its international visibility and its close ties with its socio-economic partners (major companies, SMEs, start-ups, local authorities, charities).

    Université Paris-Saclay brings together:

    • 5 teaching and research faculties: Law-Economics-Management, Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, Sports Sciences
    • 3 technical university institutes (IUT): Cachan IUT, Orsay IUT, Sceaux IUT
    • 1 university engineering school: Polytech Paris-Saclay
    • 4 Grandes écoles: CentraleSupélec,AgroParisTech, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, Institut d'Optique Graduate School
    • 2 associate institutions:  Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), Université d'Evry

    Together, the university’s faculties and institutions offer a comprehensive and varied range of Undergraduate, Master’s and PhD programmes, built firmly on cutting-edge research. The university embraces an international outlook, and is a member of the European university alliance, EUGLOH.

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