Find below the news of the Research Data Gouv ecosystem.
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Maintenance of the Research Data Gouv website
The Recherche Data Gouv website will be undergoing maintenance on Monday 30 January from 11:30 to 13:00. We apologize for the temporary unavailability....
Published on 24/01/2023
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Entrepôt Recherche Data Gouv : quels services pour quels publics?
Pour les scientifiques (chercheurs, enseignant-chercheurs, ingénieurs, techniciens) Déposer des jeux de données à des fins d'ouverture ou de partage...
Published on 17/01/2023
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Train to depositing datasets
The sandbox enables users to test depositing and curating datasets, or administrating a collection in the Recherche Data Gouv repository. In...
Published on 12/01/2023
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Become a research data officer!
You are passionate about open science. Do you want to carry political ambitions in terms of research data? Join the team! Alongside Isabelle Blanc,...
Published on 16/12/2022
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3 questions phares sur Recherche Data Gouv
Depuis la rentrée de septembre, 422 personnes ont assisté aux 13 sessions des classes virtuelles Recherche Data Gouv. Lors de ces occasions,...
Published on 06/12/2022
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61 - 65 sur 76 publications
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Virtual course: Depositing datasets in the Recherche Data Gouv repository
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Virtual course: Administering a collection in the Recherche Data Gouv repository
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Virtual course: Discovering the Recherche Data Gouv repository's APIs
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