Find below the news of the Research Data Gouv ecosystem.
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EOSC EDEN and FIDELIS advance digital preservation and curation in Europe
The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is an ambitious European initiative that aims to give the EU a global lead in research data management and...
Published on 13/02/2025
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Archiving as a new focus for research data
The Recherche Data Gouv ecosystem is at the service of sharing and opening up research data, in particular by setting up the repository of the same name....
Published on 05/02/2025
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Recherche Data Gouv integrates the EOSC roadmap
The visibility of Recherche Data Gouv internationally is now reinforced through its inclusion in the EOSC roadmap, in order to show the added values of...
Published on 27/01/2025
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Results of the 5th AMI Data Management Clusters
The 5th call for labeling of data workshops is now closed and certifies > three labeled data managment cluster: DATALystE, Université de Lyon ;...
Published on 14/01/2025
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In 2025, I take care of my research data
At the start of the year, 5 good resolutions to take care of your research data: I write a data management plan at the start of my research project....
Published on 09/01/2025
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Virtual course: Depositing datasets in the Recherche Data Gouv repository
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Virtual course: Administering a collection in the Recherche Data Gouv repository
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Virtual course: Discovering the Recherche Data Gouv repository's APIs
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