Guide to entering common metadata
- ¤ : default metadata available from the dataset's creation ;
- * : compulsory metadata ;
- (otherwise) metadata available once the dataset has been saved.
Common Metadata
Title *
Full title which is as informative as possible. (Compulsory)
Note: choose the language of the target audience.
Example: Ecological and phenotypic trait dataset for 12 European forest tree species from the H2020 project GenTree
Button: Replication Data for
Concerning PhD thesis data or associated to an article, one may give the publication's title to the dataset and precise: "Replication Data for" or "Données de réplication pour" according to the language used.
Secondary title used as a complement to the main title. (Optional)
Alternative Title
Title under which the work is commonly known or abbreviation of the title. (Optional)
Note: it is recommended to translate the title into English here if the main title is in French.
Link to data ¤
Absolute URL, beginning with https://, where the data can be accessed if there is no data file associated with the dataset. (Optional)
Note: it is compulsory to enter this information if the data are not deposited in this repository.
Other Identifier
Another unique identifier for this dataset such as the producer's or another repository's own identifier. (Optional)
- Agency: Name of the organisation that generated this identifier;
- Identifier: Another unique identifier for this dataset.
Click the (+) button to add another identifier.
- Agency: Digital Collaboratory for Cultural Dendrochronology (DCCD)
- Identifier: dccd:2570
Point of Contact *
Contact(s) for this dataset. (Compulsory)
- Name: Surname, first name of the contact or name of the organisation; (Optional)
- Affiliation: Organisation which the contact is affiliated to (a minima: Laboratory acronym or other organisation; Supervisory authority 1, Supervisory authority 2...; Country); (Recommended).
- E-mail: The contact's e-mail address. This will not be displayed. (Compulsory)
Click the (+) button to add a contact.
- Name: Einstein, Albert
- Affiliation: PRC; CNRS, INRAE, Université de Tours; France
- E-mail:
Author *
The natural or legal person(s) responsible for the dataset. (Compulsory)
- Name: Surname, first name of the contact or name of the organisation responsible for the dataset; (Compulsory)
- Affiliation: Organisation which the author is affiliated to (a minima: Laboratory acronym or other organisation; Supervisory authority 1, Supervisory authority 2...; Country or Supervisory autority(ies) for an organisation, if applicable). Enter the author's affiliation at the time the data were produced; (Recommended)
- Identifier Type: Type of identifier associated with the author. The ORCID identifier is recommended;
- Identifier: The author's identifier.
Click the (+) button to add a co-author.
Example 1:
- Name: Einstein, Albert
- Affiliation: PRC; CNRS, INRAE, Université de Tours; France
- Identifier Type: ORCID
- Identifier: 0000-0001-0001-0000
Example 2:
- Name: Institut Français de Bioinformatique
- Affiliation: CNRS, CEA, INRAE, Inria, INSERM
- Identifier Type: ROR
- Identifier: 045f7pv37
Person or organisation which contributed to production, collecting, treatment, managing, etc. the data. In general, this refers to any person other than the authors who contributed to the data. (Recommended)
Note: Contributors do not appear within the dataset's citation.
The Name becomes compulsory once any of the metadatum within the block is filled.
- Type: Type of contributor. The list of allowed values can be found in this guide; (Recommended)
- Name: Surname, first name of the contact or name of the organisation responsible for the dataset; (Recommended)
- Affiliation: Organisation which the contributor is affiliated to (a minima: Laboratory acronym or other organisation; Supervisory authority 1, Supervisory authority(ies) 2...; Country or Supervisory autority(ies) for an organisation, if applicable). Enter the contributor's affiliation at the time the data were produced; (Recommended)
- Identifier Type: Type of identifier associated with the author. The ORCID identifier is recommended for persons; (Recommended)
- Identifier: Identifier of the author (Recommended)
Click the (+) button to add a contributor.
Producer ¤
The organisation(s) that holds financial or administrative responsibility for the dataset. Most of the time, these are the supervisory authorities. (Recommended)
The Name becomes compulsory once any of the metadatum within the block is filled.
- Name: Name of the organisation, which holds administrative or financial responsibility; (Recommended)
- Affiliation: Supervisory autority(ies) if applicable; (Recommended)
- Abbreviated Name: Acronym by which the producer is commonly known; (Optional)
- URL: URL address for the producer's website. Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with https://; (Optional)
- Logo URL: URL address for the producer's logo. Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with http(s)://.(Optional)
Click the (+) button to add a producer (in the case of a Joint Research Unit enter each organisation).
Production Date
Date the data collection was produced (different from the distribution, publication or archiving dates), according to the ISO convention. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. (Recommended)
Example: 2022-07-23
Production Location
Place the data was collected. (Recommended)
Click on the (+) button to add a location.
Organisation designated by the author or producer to distribute the data. (Recommended)
The Name becomes compulsory once any of the metadatum within the block is filled.
- Name: Name of the distributor. If the data has been deposited in the Recherche Data Gouv Repository then Recherche Data Gouv Repository-Registry is the distributor; (Recommended)
- Affiliation: Supervisory authority(ies) if applicable; (Optional)
- Abbreviated Name: Acronym by which the distributor is commonly known; (Optional)
- URL: URL address for the distributor's website. Enter an absolute URL, beginning with https://;
- Logo URL: URL address for the producer's logo. Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with https://. (Optional)
Click the (+) button to add a distributor.
Distribution Date
Date on which the work was distributed, according to the ISO convention. Format YYYY-MM-DD. (Optional)
Description *
A summary describing the dataset: interests, objectives, production context and potential for reuse.
If the language used to enter metadata is French, it is advised to enter a description in English as well in order to increase the visibility of the data and ease their discovery.
- Text: Summary describing the dataset's production context, purpose, approach being used, nature, etc. Likewise an article's abstract; (Compulsory)
- Language: Language of the description; (Recommended)
- Date: The date at which the description was added to the dataset. (Optional)
Click the (+) button to add a description.
Language(s) of the data.
Note: If applicable, please select several languages from the drop-down menu.
Subject *
Research field(s) of the dataset. (Compulsory)
Note: If applicable, please select several fields from the drop-down menu.
Keyword ¤
Keywords (4 or 5) describing the important aspects of the dataset. It is advisable to use a reference vocabulary in the discipline concerned (e.g. AgroVoc, ANAEE, GEMET, MeSH, PACTOL, INRAE Thesaurus, etc.).
The Term becomes compulsory once any of the metadatum within the block is filled.
- Term: keywords describing the important aspects of the dataset; (Recommended)
- Term URI: URI of the keyword in the vocabulary used. Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with https://; (Recommended)
- Controlled Vocabulary Name: name of the the vocabulary used; (Recommended)
- Controlled Vocabulary URL: URL address of the description of the vocabulary used. Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with https://. (Recommended).
Click the (+) button to add a keyword.
- Term: Soil Pollutants
- Term URI:
- Controlled Vocabulary Name: MeSH
- Controlled Vocabulary URL:
Topic Classification
Main topics covered by the data. You can use Library of Congress subject headings, INRAE Thesaurus generic concepts, etc. (Optional)
The Term becomes compulsory once any of the metadatum within the block is filled.
- Term: themes covered by the data;
- Controlled Vocabulary Name: name of the vocabulary used;
- Controlled Vocabulary URL: URL address of the description of the vocabulary used. Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with https://.
Click the (+) button to add a topic.
- Term: AGR agriculture and production systems
- Controlled Vocabulary Name: INRAE Thesaurus
- Vocabulary URL:
Data Type *
Type(s) of data. (Compulsory)
Note: If applicable, please select several types from the drop-down menu.
Example: Dataset ; Image
Other Data Type ¤
Should be filled in if "Other" is selected for the Data Type. (Recommended)
Click the (+) button to add another type.
Data Origin
Origin of the data. (Recommended)
Note: If applicable, please select several origins from the drop-down menu.
Example: Experimental data
Data Source
Information, such as an ID or a citation, describing the source used to produce the data (e.g. a book, an article, a data serie or a database). (Optional)
Click the (+) button to add a source.
Example: World Values Survey and European Values Survey (WVS/EVS), Solt’s World Income Inequality Database (WID) and the World Bank.
Origin of Historical Sources
Information on the origin of the sources for historical documents and the rules followed when establishing those sources. (Optional)
Example: National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN)
Characteristic of Sources
Evaluation and characteristics of the data sources. (Optional)
Documentation and Access to Sources
Methods or process to access sources as well as any special authorisation necessary for said access. (Optional)
Information on the software used to generate the dataset. (Recommended)
- Name: Name of the software used to generate the dataset; (Recommended)
- Version: Version of the the software used to generate the dataset. (Recommended)
Click the (+) button to add a software.
- Name: CapturePerfect
- Version: 1.0
Information about the dataset series. (Optional)
- Name: Name of the series the dataset belongs to;
- Information: History of the series and summary of its characteristics.
Click on the (+) button to add a series.
- Name: ELIPSS panel (Longitudinal Internet Studies for Social Sciences)
- Information: ELIPSS is an online panel that is representative of the population living in metropolitan France. Panel members are randomly selected. They are provided with a touchscreen tablet and a mobile Internet subscription to reply to monthly surveys. The demographic and socio-economic information comes from the annual survey. The pilot study was composed of 1039 panel members recruited in 2012.
Life cycle step
Data life cycle event(s) that are considered of sufficient importance to be documented. (Optional)
Note: If applicable, please select several steps from the drop-down menu.
Example: Data collection
Other important information about the dataset. (Optional)
Related Publication ¤
Publication(s) that use data from this dataset. Only the first publication will be visible under the citation while the complete list is displayed in the Metadata tab. (Recommended)
The Citation becomes compulsory once any of the metadatum within the block is filled.
- Citation: bibliographic reference of the publication; (Recommended)
- Identifier Type: type of digital identifier used for this publication; (Recommended)
- Identifier: value of the identifier; (Recommended)
- URL: link to the publication (e.g. an article published in a journal, record of the deposited publication). Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with https://. (Recommended)
Click the (+) button to add an associated publication.
- Citation: Ghibaudo, F., Gerbino, E., Hugo, A.A., Simões, M.G., Alves, P., Costa, B.F., Campodall’ Orto, V., Gómez-Zavaglia, A. and Simoes, P.N. (2018). Development and characterization of iron-pectin beads as a novel system for iron delivery to intestinal cells. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 170, pp.538-543.
- Identifier Type: DOI
- Identifier: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2018.06.052
- URL:
Related Material
Information, such as an identifier or a reference, concerning any material related to this dataset, for instance . (Optional)
Click the (+) button to a related dataset.
Example: Fructo-oligosaccharides here studied were produced by Nelson Romano, Micaela Ureta and Pablo Mobili from CIDCA-CONICET, La Plata, Argentina
Related Datasets
Any other datasets linked to this dataset for example datasets from a previous works or any reused dataset. (Recommended)
The Citation becomes compulsory once any of the metadatum within the block is filled.
- Citation: bibliographic reference of this dataset; (Recommended)
- Identifier Type: type of digital identifier used for this dataset; (Recommended)
- Identifier: value of the identifier for the type selected; (Recommended)
- URL: link to the dataset. Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with https://. (Recommended)
Click the (+) button to a related dataset.
- Citation: Muranty, Hélène; Howard, Nicholas P.; Denancé, Caroline; Le Paslier, Marie-Christine; Berard, Aurélie, 2020, "Apple REFPOP progeny mid-density genotypic data",, Portail Data INRAE, V1
- Identifier Type: DOI
- Identifier: 10.15454/1ERHGX
- URL:
Other Reference
Any reference that provides contextual information or support for this dataset. (Optional)
Click the (+) button to add another reference.
Funding Information ¤
Information on the funds. (Recommended)
- Agency: organisation or programme that provided funding; (Recommended)
- Identifier: funding number or contract. (Recommended)
Note: As soon as the user enters their ANR project identifier, the grant, title and project acronym metadata are automatically filled in.
Click the (+) button to add another source of funding.
- Agency: ANR
- Identifier: ANR-19-CE19-0002
Project Information ¤
The project which produced the data. (Recommended)
- As soon as the user enters their ANR project identifier, the grant, title and project acronym metadata are automatically filled in.
- For a European project, the information is published at For a project with National Research Agency funding, the information is published at
The Title becomes compulsory once any of the metadatum within the block is filled.
- Acronym: the acronym for the project; (Recommended)
- Title: the full title of the project; (Recommended)
- Identifier: The project's identifier. For a European project, please use CORDIS to find this; (Recommended)
- Link to Website: URL address of the project's website. Enter an absolute URL address, beginning with http(s)://; (Optional)
- Work Package: Work package which the dataset is related to; (Optional)
- Task: Task which the dataset is related to. (Optional)
Click the (+) button to add a project.
- Acronym: SURFACE
- Title: Towards Future Interfaces With Tuneable Adhesion By Dynamic Excitation
- Identifier: 101039198
Time Period
The period covered by the data. This is different from the coding, file creation or collection dates for the data. (Recommended)
The Start date becomes compulsory once the End date is filled.
- Start date: start date in the YYYY-MM-DD format
- End date: end date in the YYYY-MM-DD format
Click the (+) button to add a period covered.
Date of Collection
Data collection period.
The Start date becomes compulsory once the End date is filled. (Recommended)
- Start date: start date in the YYYY-MM-DD format;
- End date: end date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
Click the (+) button to add a data collection period.