Complementary features
To use these functions you need to contact the support team at so that you can:
- Create a link between two collections
The collection thus created, as well as all its contents are then displayed within the collection to which it is linked.
- Delete a link between a dataset and a collection or between two collections
- Move a dataset or collection
- Disseminate or harvest metadata
This enables metadata to be exchanged between the Recherche Data Gouv Repository and other applications via the standard protocol OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting).
Deposit a dataset requiring anonymous peer review
The procedure is described in the guide for depositors.
- Import a list of users in a group
To import a list of users into a group, send a text file containing the users' emails, and precise the collection and group into which the import is to be realised. The file must respect the following structure :
- Merge accounts in order to keep associated roles and authorisations, for instance in case you change institution
- Report technical incidents (for instance if you have problem to access your account, or a file that has been ingested correctly)